Site operator
Olympiapark Berlin, Hanns-Braun-Straße/Adlerplatz
14053 Berlin
Tel.: +49 3030128810
Fax: +49 3030128840
Commercial register
Register court: Berlin Local Court (Charlottenburg)
Registration number: HRB 20965
Managing Directors
Christian Jost, Jürgen Lock
Value added tax identification number according to § 27 a Value Added Tax Act
DE 136599588
Responsible for content
Christian Jost, Jürgen Lock
(Anschrift wie oben)
Details for event agencies
Professional liability insurance
AXA Versicherung AG
Colonia-Allee 10-20
Bereich Firmenkunden Nord
51067 Cologne
Territorial scope: Germany Area
Information on online dispute resolution
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR).
You can find this platform under the foloowing link:
Consumers can use this platform to settle their disputes arising from online contracts.
Notice pursuant to § 36 VSBG
We will not participate in alternative dispute resolutions prodcedures within the meaning of §36 VSBG. The use of an alternative dispute resolution service does not constitute a mandatory prequisite for recourse to competent ordinary courts.
Copyright and image credits
The contents of are – unless otherwise stated – protected by copyright.
Photographs used are marked with photo credits where applicable or listed below, unless they were taken by the author.
The use of photographs on third-party sites is only possible within the framework of the respective license of the copyright holder.